Chronic,rpted Sigmoid Volvulus presenting as Acute on Chronic large Gut Obstruction Ba Enema showing total block at mid desc.colon level
Exploration with Chevron incision
Scar of Previous Exploration with Chevron incision.Ironically it was performed in a quack owned NH at Basanti by a good year before this date.Why he abandoned this Surg.even after a standard incision,is not clear to me.This time its today 13.10.20,re explored in another quack N.H.In the same Basanti
On table(,after exposure of Pancreas following lysis of adhesions as a result of previous exploration)Aspiration of Pancreatic high pressure duct content
Lay open of Pancreatic Body Parenchyma,exposing dilated Duct
Lateral Panceato Jejunostomy

Duodenum Preserving Pancreatic Head Resection for Chronic Calcific Pancreatitis;yesterday,at Glocal KNJ.Last year i had done 2 such cases .They came from Raiganj where i worked for 16 yrs.and were referred to Siliguri.I felt honoured.Dea

This is the case of Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis operated yesterday(along with Pyloric Stenosis).Pt.was suffering from Agonising cutting pain Abdomen.Observe the gush of Turbid Calcareous material coming out under High Pressure

Another Video Clip to realise the extreme high pressure within Pancreatic Duct responsible for the Agonising pain Abd.

See the date seed shaped craggy Pancreatic Multiple Calculi in a row(just operated in KNJ Glocal)

Frei's Operation of lateral Roux-en-y Pancreatico Jejunostomy

Post Op.Common Hepatic Duct Stricture BISMUTH Type 1.MRCP,Delineating the Post Op
Status clearly.Its 6 weeks Post Op.Serum Biliribin 17 mg%.After Pre op.Preparation Explored today at Basanti,Ramkrishna Charitable Hosp.Chevron Incision,Careful,Painstaking Dissection,Dilated CHD above Stricture exposed,opened,probed.Roux-n-Y Choledocho Jejunostomy( end to side)+jejuno jejunostomy (end to side) done


Pt,56yrs,had been operated at Siliguri,in2018.Repeated crippling episodes of upper abd.pain compelling adm.several times.MRCP,CECT,USG,Battery of Investig.done.Astonished,Surgeons in Siliguri,were avoiding Surg.inspite of proof of Pseudu GB with CalculiI was approached by Dear Dr.Santanu DasMD.I Promptly took the Challenge.Admitted,prepared&with a Good Team,comprising Dr.SethMS,Dr.PijushMD,Anaes explored on 12.09.20.Tedious Painstaking,Patient Dissection,enabled us to complete the Procedure in 1hr,22mins+one unit well,also looked after by Dr.Das.Moreover i came to know in 2018,pt.could not be intubated,thus left Raigunj.Dr.Pijush had also to struggle,but successfulThis is my first time,working in Jeevan Rekha OT.I got Good Support.
19 days old,female,born with Sacrococcygeal Tumor(as big as the size of pts head).Just imagine,Just operated in Raigunj Purabi NH,With GA by young energetic Qualified Anaesthesist.I had cooperated by doing it fast,with only 30 ml.Blood Transfusion given.Experienced MD,Paed.,took over for management in the Post Op.period.We do not have Neonatal Intensive Support
I am overwhelmed by the interests shown by my batchmates.I was thus inclined to send the video taken at 10 a.m today(first post op day) Paediatrician omitted i.v.fluid.IVMeropenem,Xone,continued.See,Stool passed;Sitchline left without dressing,cleansed with saline syringing&oint.application.Breast Feed continuingSeems Clinically,no NeuroDeficit.

Mirrizzi(CholecystoCholedochal fistula)

At Camri Burdwan,attempted Lap Chole.Failed,converted.In,the attempt,extensive small int.damage done.Possibly missed.An old man as he is,presented late to me with sepsis & toxic state. Acute Abdomen-ReexploredA segment of necrotic distal jejunum with Proximal Ileum resected,anastomosed with proximal jejunostomy cover